
Weather webcams in Malles Venosta

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webcams in the region of Malles Venosta

weather Webcam Malles Venosta
Webcam Malles Venosta
Malles Venosta is a 1051 meter high market town with 5148 inhabitants in the Upper Vinschgau in South Tyrol, Italy. Need more argument for a trip to Malles Venosta? One click and you're on the go with the live weather webcam Malles Venosta.
weather Malles Venosta
Webcam Malles Venosta
weather Webcam Malles Venosta
Webcam Malles Venosta
The village is located south of Malles Venosta Mals Heath, a large alluvial fan of the Alps. By area, Malles Venosta is the second largest community in South Tyrol. The mountain of Malles Venosta is the Pointed Lun with more than 2300m altitude above...